Thursday, February 22, 2007

I love hearing about identity theft, it always scares me into trying to update plethora of antivirus programs to prevent all of my info from being stolen by some hacker who's ass oozes off his seat because he has been sitting in front of his computer because fraud (as well as world of warcraft) consume his life (due to the fact he still lives with his mother and has no real job). So anyhow I just scanned my brother's side to my laptop and found over 60 items that were potential hazzards. Then that day and the next we have a few arguments (mainly because of his dick fear*) and I finally found out that it is his carelessness (and that of others) that get people's identities stolen (by fat, jobless hackers). So please watch out for morons, slackers, and careless types entering their info on a computer you often use due to the fact they can't use security functions, the best idea is to not let them near technology alltogether.

*See George carlin- jammin in NY- missiles and penises in the Persian gulf

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