Wednesday, October 04, 2006


As Americans, we all must at one point wonder what the founding fathers would think if they saw what we were doing with the country. In my opinion they would be incredulously shocked by the things idiots use their freedom of speech to communicate to others.
Now I know what your thinking : wow this man is a fascist. Well guess what your wrong because I am nothing close to a fascist, I am just an American citizen who believes that you shouldn't abuse your freedom of speech by saying dumb things like : guns kill people (they don't they just make it easier to kill people, and a well armed, well educated and good intentioned gun owning/carrying public can stop many crimes. Imagine how much fewer hostage situations there would be if every time the captors would turn around they would get shot. Nuff said, a well educated, good intentioned, well armed and sane public were that of Today's America the crime rate would increase exponentially.

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