Friday, October 13, 2006


I have recently discovered that Music video stations have become more personal and dramatic to appeal to teenagers and their hormones, well to all of you on these stations and to all of you who like them NOBODY GIVES A SHIT AND IF YOU WANT TO GET WRAPPED UP IN SOMEONE'S LIFE DO IT WITH YOUR OWN!!! Thank you enough said.


All of these articles are 100% original and made by me. I will not reveal any personal information because I don't want perverts stalking me thanks.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I believe that those who haven't in some way been involved in a war (this doesn't include watching the news, playing video games and playing paintball) should keep their mouths shut on the topic of war. This is because the media always trumps up and mildly sensationalizes stories and because you don't know shit about it if you haven't experienced it, or vigorously studied and devoted your free time to its understanding. Nuff Said.


As Americans, we all must at one point wonder what the founding fathers would think if they saw what we were doing with the country. In my opinion they would be incredulously shocked by the things idiots use their freedom of speech to communicate to others.
Now I know what your thinking : wow this man is a fascist. Well guess what your wrong because I am nothing close to a fascist, I am just an American citizen who believes that you shouldn't abuse your freedom of speech by saying dumb things like : guns kill people (they don't they just make it easier to kill people, and a well armed, well educated and good intentioned gun owning/carrying public can stop many crimes. Imagine how much fewer hostage situations there would be if every time the captors would turn around they would get shot. Nuff said, a well educated, good intentioned, well armed and sane public were that of Today's America the crime rate would increase exponentially.

9/11 conspiracies

It has come to my attention that some hippie jackasses have found it completely okay to blame the government for planning and executing the 9/11/01 bombings. Does it not come to these asswipes attention that they are insulting thoses who died in the attacks and that they are disrespecting the governments abilities. This is like saying the US government planned and executed pearl harbour.
The idiots who make these videos also know nothing of metallurgy because steel loses half of its strength before even coming 700 degrees celsius (800 degrees before the melting point). Also when these morons talk about the pentagon attack they forget that the rivets could buckle when coming into a denser object, forcing the plane into a circular shape. And don't even get me started on how gas station attendants, janitors and other people in the towers at the time they were going down (god bless their souls) no NOTHING about explosives and cruise missiles. So before you go and make yourselves look like idiots and post these things 1) learn some damn physics, 2) get some sources that are reputable and get evidence proving your point 3) get a damn degree in metallurgy ASSWIPES!!