Sunday, May 20, 2007


Microsoft's posterchild videogame Halo, it sucks, get over it. I can't play multiplayer whenever I want (like with timesplitters:I don't need other humans to play multiplayer games). For that matter XBOX live also sucks, you need to pay (PC users don't need to WTF). Clearly if it doesn't cost them money to do it with PC's why does it cost money with the XBOX, these fucks are greedy that's why. I suggest that as many gamers as can possibly form a group declare an underground war against greedy game making corporations, I'm not saying we shouldn't have to pay for games, I'm saying we shouldn't have to pay for online play, and I'm also saying there should be an increase in the ability to play whatever you want on single player. I'm not trying to keep these companies from earning money, just from ripping off the consumer.

Video Games are becoming poluted

Microsoft, so many people know this name, and yed so many people don't know how well they're managing to cheat gamers. These assholes think it's funny that they can release the same game for xbox 360 and PC, at different pricing, for different cost to play online (none for pc) and tell us what we want. Sony is probably not much better and neither would nintendo. It's terrible games for xbox are released with one sole thing in mind: online play, and online play costs money ($50 per annum whereas it's free for PC and to my knowledge for PS3). What the hell, I want a videogame I don't get tired of in 15 minutes and need to play online just for satisfaction.
Then companies are advertising in videogames, WTF, I rarely watch TV or go to the movies due to this crap (and by my posting you can tell I barely use the internet), can someone provide me with a good product that I don't need to pay for twice (once for the game and once for online), that's actually fun. Come on! it's gotten to a level where it's sickening, it really is. This crap needs to stop and these consumer based companies need to listen to the consumer before the consumers leave them and find somewhere else to go. Clearly they need to know that their product isn't necessary and they ought to be making it with making as many users happy as possible in mind.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Is the love of victory a crime?

Is the love of winning a crime? Mike Ditka didn't think so. In fact one day his team was losing, during a halftime locker room tyrade he punched a locker and broke his wrist. Why not encourage this kind of hatred of losing? And an equal, opposite love of winning? I'll tell you why people refuse to raise their kids like this (in other words, right), because they are subconsciously communist. Why they encourage mediocrity and no seperation between the winners and losers (even though it plays out like that in life- there are usually distinct winners and losers). In fact that is why people don't encourage their kids to compete whenever possible, friendly or not, they don't like the way it looks, even though it creates tougher, more resilient, and probably smarter people. In short it prevents humans from becoming better at everything (in other terms, evolving), look in asia, very competitive, China and Japan are catching up to the US economically, the US is falling behind due to lack of competition. So what is today's lesson, competitivety leads to success through constant improving to stay ahead of the pack. Why bother teaching your kids anything but how to compete in anything and inspiring them to do so. The celebration of victory should be allowed too, as well as the mourning of what could have been victory, why not encourage these things?